About us



Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Ltd.(MFSCL) is asavings and credit institution located on Masheruka Road in Kabwohe Town, Sheema Municipality, Sheema District.

It started in1998 as a saving and credit affiliate of Muhame Co-Op. Society as a result of the support by UNDP/GOU through the private Development Programme (PSDP) implemented by Bushenyi Private Sector Promotion Centre whose collaboration with Muhame Financial services started in 1998. In January 200, Muhame Financial separated from Muhame Co-operative Society and registered on its own Reg. No.6350 with a Bank code 13006 and is a strong Institution to date.


To become a leading Professionally run, member responsive financial co-operative institution


To improve members livelihoods by providing high quality financial products and services, through a well governed and sound cooperative institution.

our Core values


We are honest, straightforward and truthful in business and professional relationship with minimal or no supervision


We utilize the limited economic resources in a useful manner at the minimum cost/waste


We do Muhame business in reference to the recognized standards and other applicable policies and regulations


Not disclosing information about Muhame to unauthorized persons, having the highest level of secrecy


improving members livelihood taking onto account their specific needs and challenges

Transparency & Accountability

acting with openness and responsibility without conflict of interest or bias

Sacrifice & voluntarism
We are willing to offer services beyond self.
We are responsible for the assets and liabilities of the institution.
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Rev. Can. Robert Kankiriho
Board Chair 2022-2023
Muhame Financial Services Co-OP LTD is a savings and credit Institution located on Masheruka Road in Kabwohe Town, Sheema Municipality, Sheema District. It is a member owned institution and over the years we have grown from 30 members to now over 35000 members. Since inception, several board members have brought their knowledge, experience and leadership to bear on the development and delivery of solutions (through products and services) to meet the daily needs of our customers. At Muhame F.S we realise our members remain our most valuable assets and we appreciate the fact that they have been with us and invite more to join us and get impeccable financial services and products. It’s our intent as Muhame F.S to become a leading professionally-run member responsive financial co-operative institution. May the Lord bless you as the Spirit leads you to Muhame Financial Services
CPA Namara Amon
General Manager  2018  to date
I wish to extend our sincere appreciation to our members and all our stakeholders for standing with us at Muhame Financial Services for all the period we have been in existence. It is because of you that we exist and we can not take it for granted for all the support. Muhame Financial Services remains committed to being member-centric and will continue to provide member tailored products and services as one of the core principles of cooperative organizations.

We have a competent governance team, management and staff that are able to give the best service to our members and also support the growth of the institution. We are guided by carefully designed policies, systems and procedures which helpus to consistently give better services. We are committed to continuous improvement in our services  to serve the everchanging needs of our members. We continue to call upon all people to join us so as to grow our income levels through the services we provide



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Rev. Can. Robert Kankiriho
Chairperson Board
Ms. Kyatuhaire Medius
Vice Chairperson Board
Mr. Natwijuka Enock Kagwa
Finance Committee Chairperson
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Mr. Tibesigwa Yasin
Chairperson Credit Committee
Ms. Kyomuhendo Cissy
Board Secretary
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Mr  Nuwagira Sistone
C/P Procurement Committee
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Mr Mwebembezi Isaac
Board Member
Ms. Ainembabazi Rhonas
Youth Representative
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Mr Arinaitwe Emmanuel 
Board member
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 Mr. Muhereza Francis
Chairman SUPCO
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Mr. Tusiime Titus Tindamanyire
SUPCO Member
Ms. Kebaraza Edridah
SUPCO Secretary


CPA Amon Namara
General Manager
CPA Arthur Kanyomozi 
Finance Manager
CPA Mabel Ahimbisibwe 
Internal Auditor
Mr. Tazahansi Julius
Credit Manager
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Ms. Amumpaire Gerenah
Human Resource Officer
CPA John Kambarara
Assistant Internal Auditor
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Mr. Yesigye Rolland 
Risk and Compliance Officer
Mr. Muhunguzi Brighton
IT Officer
Eng Agaba Joas
IT Officer
CPA Rodin Amanya
Mr. Ahimbisibwe Mark
Marketing Officer
Ms. Amumpaire Edidah
Branch Manager - Kabwohe
Mr. Katobe Jason
Branch Manager -  Rubindi
Mr. Natuha Ashello
Branch Manager - Nsiika
Mr. Ahabwe Simon
Branch Manger- Kaberebere
Ms. Kembabazi Naome
Branch Manager - Mbare
Mr. Boroba Onesmas
Branch Manager -  Rwebikoona
Ms. Nyankuba Fortunate
Branch Manager - Kakindo
Ms. Mbabazi Haninah
Branch Manger- Mugarutsya
Mr. Tugume Didus
Branch Manager - Butare
Ms. Tushabe Juliet
Branch Manager -  Ngarama